How To Make A Chord Chart
Learn how easy it is to make a chord chart that others can easily follow.
A Chord Melody To Celebrate The New Year ...
With the clock ticking down to a New Year, I thought I would offer up another gift to all of my mandolin playing friends ... I've...
A Chord Melody Christmas Present ...
Just in time for the holidays, a little gift from me to all of my mandolin playing friends ... I've arranged the classic Christmas song...
New Octave Mandolin Nears Completion
Some of you know that I recently ordered a new octave mandolin from Austin Clark - an amazingly great guy to work with and the guy to go...
An International Festival of Mandolins - In New York!
I am VERY proud to announce that the website for the "New York International Mandolin Festival" is now live at ......
Welcome to the Blog!
Welcome to the inaugural post in my brand-spanking new blog … it is so nice to see you here! Blogs take on many different forms and mean...