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Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the inaugural post in my brand-spanking new blog … it is so nice to see you here!

Blogs take on many different forms and mean different things to different people. I think of them as a sort of virtual ‘white board’ where we can interact and hopefully, get to know each other a little better away from the distractions of Facebook and the character limitations of Twitter. So, I hope to update this blog on a regular basis and to offer you my thoughts on a variety of topics that I hope will be of interest.

You can safely bet that much of what I will post will relate directly to the big, wide, wonderful world of music in general and the mandolin in particular. But, I also hope to break outside the music now and then and offer up all sorts of things; a recipe (‘cause we all love to eat, now don’t we?!) or maybe an insight about some new discovery I’ve made. I might offer up a photo or two from my travels or perhaps a joke or maybe even a rant or rave about the New York Giants or ….

If you decide after a few installments that the blog is interesting, entertaining and something that you would like to have delivered to you automatically via your newsreader (i.e. Feedly, Reeder, etc.), you can click the little “RSS” icon in the footer section of the site. Within a few quick clicks, these musings will pop-up for you there, as soon as I publish them.

While you are here, I also hope that you will visit other parts of the website (aka my “little cabin home on the internet”). Do check in with my schedule and come to a show whenever you can. It’s always great to see you! If you are interested in learning to play mandolin, you can also find information on the site about lessons, workshops and coaching that I offer privately and at festivals, music camps and other programs throughout the year.

Thanks a lot for visiting … I'll see you soon!

- Wayne

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